Teaching on Air Lessons During Covid 19


Teacher Education
On Air Learning

How to Cite

Danley, A. (2022). Teaching on Air Lessons During Covid 19: Highlighting the Work of the KMOS Summer Classroom. Educational Renaissance, 11(1), 28–40. https://doi.org/10.33499/edren.v11i1.2914


This article provides an example of how a television station and a teacher education program located at the University of Central Missouri partnered to provide on-air lessons for kindergarten through fifth grade lessons to respond to the academic need due to the school shutdowns in spring 2020 because of COVID-19. The article highlights how three teacher candidates who were completing their student teaching semester were invited by the curriculum director of KMOS Summer Classroom to plan lessons to teach on- air. The curriculum director of KMOS Summer discusses the process of selecting the candidates and planning the lessons.  The KMOS Summer Classroom perceptions of this project prepared them for their first year of teaching. Successes of KMOS Summer Classroom are highlighted along with next steps for implementation of KMOS Summer Classroom 2.0.  This article aims to share an experience other teacher education programs can consider when reaching their surrounding communities during a crisis or pandemic.



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