Introducing the Co-teaching Model in Teacher Education Clinical Practice


Co-teaching Models
Teacher Preparation
Student Teaching
Co-teaching Model Training

How to Cite

Murley, L. D., Stobaugh, R. R., & Evans, C. S. (2014). Introducing the Co-teaching Model in Teacher Education Clinical Practice. Educational Renaissance, 3(1), 7–20.


With national and state regulatory changes related to clinical practice within teacher education programs a reality, one university examined the outcomes of co-teaching model trainings required for stakeholders, both higher education faculty and P-12 educators. The training participants indicated the co-teaching model could increase student teacher preparedness while also positively impacting P-12 student learning. Nearly a year after the co-teaching training, one university surveyed student teachers on their co-teaching experience prior to and during student teaching. While there were increase mean scores of all the co-teaching models, results pointed to questions of whether teacher candidates were engaged in lower-level impact co-teaching models, which involved teacher candidates observing and assisting.