High-Impact Practices Evaluating Impact on Adult Learners’ Retention

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Alaa Alsarhan


High-impact practices (HIPs) are expected to engage traditional and nontraditional student populations at different levels and types. As a result, student retention is expected to increase. At Utah Valley University (UVU), we developed a visualization dashboard to measure the impact of individual and collective HIPs on students' persistence and retention using propensity score matching (PSM). This study's findings describe HIPs' effectiveness as a tool for supporting Adult Learners students' retention and persistence. Compared to peers who did not participate in HIPs, Adult Learners students involved in HIPs were retained at higher rates.

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How to Cite
Alsarhan, A. (2024). High-Impact Practices: Evaluating Impact on Adult Learners’ Retention. Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 7(4 - December). Retrieved from https://journals.calstate.edu/elthe/article/view/4059
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