NSRT 2: Dreamer Portfolio 1: The Open Gate Fold
Being told, "You can't" is th hardest thing anyone can hear. I remember being told, "You can't" quite a lot growing up. I especially remember being told, "You can't after I would disclose my immigration status: "You can't apply for this; you need a valid identification," "You don't qualify for this program; you need a social," or "This is strictly for US citizens."
When I was a little boy, I felt equal to everyone around me. As an adult, I notice my position in society, and it saddens me. It saddens me to know that since social security numbers often determine one's status. As a dreamer student, I feel it is important to share the dreamer experience. Nine numbers do not make us Americans. I am an American de corazón. This portion the Northridge Review is dedicated to all Dreamers and allies.
¡Sí se puede!
—David Cruz Quiroz
- Paloma Villegas
- Ivan Salinas
- Alexis Dávila Rodriguez
- Williams Nieto
- Alicia Morales Perez
- Anonymous
This book is set in 10pt. Cochin, a typeface designed by Georges Peignot in 1912. Teh book is bound using the open-gate fold technique. Both the name and the structure of this book act as a metaphor in this era, where walls attempt to dominate the discourse about who can exist and where and when. The openness and flexibility of this form are important, and the world must recognize that open gates are better than closed ones.
Edited by
David Cruz Quiroz and Ivonne Hernandez
Designed by
Sean Pessin