About the Journal

CI Currents is dedicated to fostering academic excellence and intellectual curiosity across all disciplines (sciences, social sciences, humanities, business, and education). Working with faculty mentors on campus, we aim to celebrate the diversity of thought and innovation inherent in undergraduate research and communicated in the various modalities and media.  We are committed to:

  1. Encouraging rigorous academic research and critical thinking among undergraduates.
  2. Providing students with the opportunity to experience the peer-review process and gain recognition for their scholarly contributions.
  3. Promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration by featuring a wide range of research topics and methodologies.
  4. Supporting the professional development of students by enhancing their research, writing, and presentation skills.
  5. Building a vibrant academic community that values and respects diverse perspectives and approaches to knowledge.

Current CSUCI undergraduates or alumni within 1 year of graduating with their undergraduate degree.

CI Currents welcomes submissions from across all disciplines, written and multimodal. To be impactful, submissions should provide relevant context and background to demonstrate significance of the work to a general academic audience, which may include administrators, faculty, and students from various disciplines. We are interested in research that addresses timely and significant topics and have been conducted at CSUCI with or without a faculty mentor. In addition, we publish both completed projects and works in progress. Submissions cannot be previously published (work published in CI Currents may be re-published later provided CI Currents is properly cited and in accordance with the publications guidelines).

CI Currents is jointly sponsored by the Writing & Multiliteracy Center and Student Research and primarily funded through the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Grant.