About the Journal

The Journal of the Wildfire Conservancy is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal supported by the Wildfire Conservancy and the Wildfire Science and Urban Interface Program at California State University San Marcos. We publish a variety of new and innovative papers, articles, and manuscripts that help to advance our mission of research, education, and outreach, with a focus on wildfires and the wildland urban interface. The primary focus of the Journal is to highlight research that can have practical application and implementation by company officers, firefighters, decision makers, and legislators, to bridge the divide between science and policy. Contributions to this Journal should focus on good science and include practical applications for that science. The Journal contributes to the advancement of three specific areas of emphasis:

  • Improving Firefighter Health and Safety
  • Advancing Attack Effectiveness
  • Promoting Community Resilience and Awareness

The Journal publishes articles focused on basic and applied research in an open-access, online publication that supports innovation and progress toward the advancement of wildland and urban interface fire issues. All content is free to the public to download, copy, and print; this supports our focus of bringing science to the practitioners and decision makers. Articles may include links to informative videos, training modules, data, and supporting posters/brochures that fire departments, local, state, federal, and tribal governments, organizations, and the public can download and use as tools for advancing training and understanding.

As an open-access, online journal, authors are not charged any fees for publication, and the submittal, review, editing, and production are efficient and flexible. We accept articles for the following:

  • Original Research Papers
  • Literature Reviews and Annotated Bibliographies
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Opinion Articles and Book Reviews
  • Legislative Updates and Analysis
  • Student Research Papers and Posters

For more information, or questions about this Journal, please email: info@wildfireconservancy.org



Matt Rahn, PhD, MS, JD

California State University San Marcos

Director, Bachelor of Science in Wildfire Science and the Urban Interface

Wildfire Conservancy