A Proof Using Böhme's Lemma That no Petersen Family Graph has a Flat Embedding


  • Joel Foisy SUNY Potsdam
  • Catherine Jacobs Wellesley College
  • Trinity Paquin SUNY Potsdam
  • Morgan Schalizki SUNY Potsdam
  • Henry Stringer SUNY Potsdam




spatial graph; intrinsically linked; Petersen family


Sachs and Conway-Gordon used linking number and a beautiful counting argument to prove that every graph in the Petersen family is intrinsically linked (have a pair of disjoint cycles that form a nonsplit link in every spatial embedding) and thus each family member has no flat spatial embedding (an embedding for which every cycle bounds a disk with interior disjoint from the graph). We give an alternate proof that every Petersen family graph has no flat embedding by applying Böhme's Lemma and the Jordan-Brouwer Separation Theorem.

Author Biographies

Catherine Jacobs, Wellesley College

Mathematics major.

Trinity Paquin, SUNY Potsdam

BA/MA 2024, Mathematics Department

Morgan Schalizki, SUNY Potsdam

BA/MA 2024, Mathematics Department

Henry Stringer, SUNY Potsdam

BA/MA 2025, Mathematics Department




How to Cite

Foisy, J., Jacobs, C., Paquin, T., Schalizki, M., & Stringer, H. (2024). A Proof Using Böhme’s Lemma That no Petersen Family Graph has a Flat Embedding. The PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research, 7, 323–332. https://doi.org/10.46787/pump.v7i0.3674