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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • At least one of the authors is an undergraduate student, or was an undergraduate student at the time the submission was written. All undergraduate student authors will be formally identified, with their academic affiliation, in the Comments to the editor section during submission.
  • If the article is submitted by a student, the advisor, a faculty member from an accredited institution, who has enough publication experience to supervise publishable research, and is able and willing to answer any questions related to the paper, will send an email to the journal, on which the student author submitting the paper will be copied, stating that the submission is ready for publication, and describing how they met the student and the circumstances of the preparation of the paper, e.g., the paper was the result of an REU led by the advisor, the student was attending a course given by the advisor, etc.. The student author submitting the paper will only submit the paper after receiving the email that the advisor sent to the journal, and will include the name of the advisor in the comments to the editor discussion. Recall that undergraduate student authors have to be formally identified, with their academic affiliation, in the Comments to the editor during submission. Papers submitted before the journal receives the email endorsement from the advisor will be automatically rejected
  • Spelling and grammar were thoroughly checked before submitting, preferably with an automated grammar/spell checker. Submissions with spelling and grammar errors will not be sent for review until the errors are fixed.
  • The submission file is in PDF document file format. If the submission uses the template downloaded from the journal page (Author Guidelines) please compile twice so that the line numbers show up on the left of each page.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

Author Guidelines

The PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes papers (co)written by undergraduate students or by (co)authors that were undergraduate students at the time the work was done. All articles are reviewed by referees selected by a member of the editorial board. The journal publishes research papers, papers containing new proofs of known results, and expository papers which propose original points of view on various topics, from all areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics. At least one of the authors must be (have been) an undergraduate student (at the time the paper was written). The undergraduate student author(s) will be formally identified, with their academic affiliation, in the Comments to the editor during submission.

ISSN 2576-3725(online)
ISSN 2765-8724 (print)

Initial submission

Requires registration. Upload a PDF file of the article, preferably (but not necessarily) prepared using the journal LaTeX template which can be viewed/downloaded here: LaTeX sample source. In order to compile the sample you will need to download this file (right click on the link, then save): sample figure (PUMP logo) . The compiled LaTeX sample PDF may be viewed/downloaded here: LaTeX sample PDF. Authors should try to compile files on a local computer and not use web platforms like Overleaf, and refrain from using enhancements to the hyperref package, like cleveref.

Review process

The referee will know the identity of the author(s). The author(s) will not know the identity of the referee. When uploading a revision, authors should also upload a complete list of the reviewers' recommendations and explain how they were addressed.

After acceptance

The author(s) will prepare the final form of the article using the journal LaTeX template which can be viewed/downloaded here: LaTeX sample source. In order to compile the sample you will need to download this file (right click on the link, then save): sample figure (PUMP logo) . The compiled LaTeX sample PDF may be viewed/downloaded here: LaTex sample PDF. The authors should not add to the template packages that change the style of the paper (such as the cleveref package, for example). The LaTeX files, including all files needed to produce the final PDF (figure files, tables, etc.) will have to be submitted, preferably uploaded as a zip file where the last revision was uploaded. Compilation should run without errors (including overfull boxes). The published paper will display the submission date, the acceptance date, and the name of the editor accepting the paper. Papers are published online as they are accepted.

ISSN 2576-3725(online)
ISSN 2765-8724 (print)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.