Current Issue
Vol. 8 (2025): PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research
The PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research
The PUMP (Preparing Undergraduate Mathematicians for Ph.D.s) Journal of Undergraduate Research publishes papers (co)written by undergraduate students or by (co)authors that were undergraduate students at the time the work was done. All articles are reviewed by referees selected by a member of the editorial board. The journal publishes research papers, papers containing new proofs of known results, and expository papers which propose original points of view on various topics, from all areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics. At least one of the authors must have been an undergraduate student at the time the paper was written.
The PUMP Journal is indexed in MathSciNet and zbMATH Open.
ISSN 2576-3725 (online)
ISSN 2765-8724 (print)