Transforming The Institution from the Inside: Creating the Brave New Community College of the Future


  • Jim Riggs



With rising and wide spread expectations that commu-nity colleges will become stronger forces throughout the nation, the stage is now set for these institutions to become even bigger players in the landscape of higher education, economic development and social justice by helping to create a more inclusive, well-educated and engaged citizenry. This article looks inward at what com-munity college leaders, faculty and student services pro-fessionals need to do to transform their institutions into colleges that are truly ready to meet these rapidly grow-ing expectations and to be able to take full advantage of these new opportunities. Four key areas at the institution-al level are discussed that must be addressed in order for community colleges to make substantial and necessary improvements in student learning and development. These include: (1) expanding the definition and under-standing of what leads to student learning and success; (2) realigning and tightly coupling every function and activity at the college to better support student learning and success; (3) confronting the myth that community colleges are innovative and flexible institutions; and (4) instituting a new kind of leadership that is focused firmly on improving student learning and success. There are enormous opportunities waiting for community colleges that will require dramatic transformation and change throughout the organization.




