Human Resources Special Education Teacher Recruitment

Utilizing Grow Your Own




Teacher Recruitment, Grow Your Own Models, Special Education


This paper seeks to analyze the implementation process of a Grow-Your-Own (GYO) model to address Special Education certified teacher recruitment and retention. Though routed in California, the needs articulated here are generalizable throughout the U.S. It addresses Human Resources managers who may seek to implement a GYO model for teacher recruitment at the site level. By leveraging national and state data bases, well-respected research, and several qualitative interviews with those currently overseeing a GYO model, it answers: a) what persistent gaps in Special Education teacher pipelines and equity outcomes currently exist, b) why GYO models meet these unique challenges, and c) how Leader-Member Exchange Theory can aid implementation of GYO modeling at the site level.

The author concludes with several key recommendations for districts, and specifically HR managers among them: 1) Recognize the need for long-term planning and conduct needs analysis with current staff. 2) Develop capacity through culture and strategic partnering including grant funds seeking, and 3) shadow current successful programs. 

Author Biography

Meredith Galloway, Sacrament State University

  Meredith Galloway is a lifelong educator who finds her passion and purpose by unlocking excellence
in others. She envisions a world where all teachers feel valued and vibrant and works to leverage partnerships to enact that vision. Meredith works as a research assistant at Sacramento State where she is pursuing her doctorate in Educational Leadership. Her
research includes global trends in education, school privatization, and teacher labor markets. When
not working, Meredith can be found running on Sacramento’s river trail, or enjoying her family with a mug of coffee in tow. Open a conversation by emailing:
or Tweeting: @meredithteaches

