Sobre la revista

What is CBR@CSUCI?

CBR@CSUCI is an annual digital volume of community-based research (CBR) reports collaboratively produced by students and faculty members in partnership with community partners associated with California State University Channel Islands. All reports submitted for inclusion are reviewed by the Editorial Board to ensure that published reports represent rigorous research, presented in a clear and accessible fashion, and make an identifiable contribution to the community. The volume is designed to collect and highlight the best community-based research conducted in our community, and to make it widely available to our campus, our community, and beyond.

What is Community-Based Research?

Community-Based Research (CBR) is any research conducted in partnership (collaboration or consultation) with community partners and stakeholders, for the benefit of the community. CBR is generally applied research designed with specific goals such as identifying solutions to existing problems, assessing the needs of a population, or evaluating the services provided by a community organization. While CBR can be conducted as independent student or faculty projects, at CSUCI it is most commonly conducted as faculty-student collaborations in partnership with the community, generally under the auspices of service-learning coursework.

What are CBR reports?

Due to the breadth of CBR itself, CBR reports take a variety of forms. CBR@CSUCI does not prescribe any particular style or format, but all published reports are expected to include some essential components:

  • Research topic/questions: All reports should include a summary of the research topic or questions. That should include clear identification of the community partner with (or for) whom the research is being conducted, stating the community need for the research.
  • Research methods: All reports should include an appropriately detailed description of the research methods. By professional custom, that includes all information to replicate the research – such as sampling methods, research instruments, essential specifications and procedures, etc.
  • Findings: All reports must include detailed descriptions of research findings. Those findings should be presented both in the form of data presentations, as well as narrative interpretations. Reports should also note how the findings might serve community partners.
  • Executive summary or abstract: All reports should include a summary of all relevant components. That may take the form of an abstract, or an executive summary.