Alba de América

Current Issue

Vol. 41 (2024)
Published January 7, 2024
Women About Women

Alba de América’s first digital volume is dedicated to women authors, texts produced by women, and women who write about other women. This collection of essays covers novels, poetry, testimony, historical fiction, and performance. The contributors analyze a variety of topics and issues including women’s representation in literature, reviews written by women, maternity as a poetic motif, Afro-Cuban culture from a female perspective, fantastic literature, traditional gender roles, violence against women, social deafness, and historiographic metafiction.

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Alba de América is a Spanish peer-reviewed journal. Formerly a printed publication of the Instituto Literario y Cultural Hispánico (1982-2021), Alba de América is now an open-access journal hosted by California State University, Dominquez Hills. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate the study and criticism of Hispanic literature and film in the academic sphere. Since its first edition, Alba de América publishes original academic manuscripts exclusively in Spanish.






Image: Duality is the principle on which creation and humanity are governed. Within each individual there is a duality; two worlds, two cultures, two traditions, and everything that surrounds the identity of a human being. Original painting by Magaly Yadrina Paredes Alcalá.