About the Journal

Focus and Scope of Journal

Alba de América is a peer-reviewed academic journal in Spanish. It was founded by Dr. Juana Alcira Arancibia and was published as a print publication of the Instituto Literario y Cultural Hispánico (ILCH) from 1982 to 2021. Currently, Alba de América is an open access journal under the jurisdiction of the California State University, Dominguez Hills. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate the study and criticism of Hispanic literature and film in the academic sphere. Since its first edition, Alba de América publishes original academic manuscripts exclusively in Spanish.

To access information about printed publications prior to the adoption of the digital format, please access the following link: https://www.albadeamerica.org/

Peer-Review Policies

All submissions are initially assessed by a team of editors who determines the appropriateness of topic, contribution to the field, and adherence to the Journal and its guidelines. Only suitable manuscripts are evaluated by two additional reviewers who are familiar with the region, literary period, theoretical frame, or authors being discussed. This process is done by way of a double-blind review procedure. After revisions are completed by authors, articles are reviewed by the Copy Editor and Executive Editor. The General Editor makes the final decision on publications.

Open Access Policy and Copyright

The Journal provides free online availability to its content via the CSU Open Access system. Publishing in Alba de América entails that articles will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. The author retains the entire copyright of the manuscript sent to the Journal.