Who Has Potatoes?

Turning Points in Migratory Experience

  • Keith V. Bletzer Arizona State University


Migratory farm labor like other forms of migrant work both in and outside agriculture impedes on the opportunity to make choices. The following essay explores particular phases in the life of one man (a single case study) and examines how he considers turning points in his life that led to a long period of substance use, both as an immigrant in the country and as a working man in his home country, followed by a cessation of use and the beginning stages of recovery. / Para el migrante, viajar en busca de trabajo es díficil, ya sea que trabaje en agricultura o en otras labores. Este ensayo examina ciertas etapas en la vida de un hombre (estudio de un solo caso) que examina los cambios que le han ocurrido durante un período en que él consumía grandes cantidades de alcohol en los estados y en su país, seguido por un período de sobriedad (no tomaba alcohol, no usaba drogas) en este país en que él comienza una etapa de rehabilitación.

How to Cite
Bletzer, K. V. (2003). Who Has Potatoes? Turning Points in Migratory Experience. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 1(2), 148-159. https://doi.org/10.32398/cjhp.v1i2.1692

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