A-Z of Health Promotion

Book Review

  • James Woodall Centre for Health Promotion Research, Leeds Metropolitan University


With its accessibility, format and comprehensive coverage of key concepts, the A-Z of Health Promotion by Glenn Laverack makes a unique contribution to the market. Outlining 72 key concepts and 140 other terms, the book is highly recommended for those new to, or already practicing, health promotion as well as students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Moreover, the international ‘flavour’ of case studies and examples means that it has relevance for a global audience. The book’s format allows for easy navigation and for readers to move from concept-to-concept in an order that best suits their needs. Given the authors’ considerable expertise, it is unsurprising that the entries have an empowerment theme with less focus on disease or lifestyle/behavioural approaches in health promotion programmes. In summary, the book makes a refreshing contribution and is an invaluable sourcebook that effectively captures and presents complex ideas in health promotion.

How to Cite
Woodall, J. (2013). A-Z of Health Promotion: Book Review. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 11(3), 93-94. https://doi.org/10.32398/cjhp.v11i3.1546