Achieving Reading Equity

A Systematic Program Evaluation of a Reading Intervention Program


  • Brenda Morales Bravo Rio Plaza Elementary School, Rio School District
  • Charles Weis CSU Channel Islands


In 2012, Laguna Vista School in the Ocean View School District, Ventura County, implemented a program of reading intervention services to struggling readers. The program provides a mix of push-in and pull-out services led by a credentialed teacher and several instructional assistants. This program evaluation was designed to determine the impact of the program created for students who were not reading at grade level. Five years of reading achievement data from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) and three years of Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) English Language Arts/Literacy were analyzed to determine program impact. The study found that basic reading skills of students who received reading intervention services grew significant with some effect sizes exceeding two standard deviations.  Growth on Common Core State Standard assessments, however, were not as impressive. Recommendations for reading comprehension improvement are provided

Author Biographies

Brenda Morales Bravo, Rio Plaza Elementary School, Rio School District

Brenda Morales Bravo is a principal at Rio Plaza Elementary School in the Rio School District. She recently earned her Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from CSUCI. She is a bilingual, multicultural, and passionate advocate for students, families, and her community of Oxnard. She is the proud mother of three little girls and works towards being an exceptional role model to them and all the students at her school site. 

Charles Weis, CSU Channel Islands

Dr. Charles Weis is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at CSU Channel Islands and Co-Director of the Collaborative Online Doctorate in Educational Leadership offered jointly by CSU Channel Islands and Fresno State. He is a retired County Superintendent of Schools and current school board member for the Hueneme Elementary School Board in Port Hueneme, California.



How to Cite

Morales Bravo, B., & Weis, C. (2019). Achieving Reading Equity: A Systematic Program Evaluation of a Reading Intervention Program. Allies for Education, 2(2). Retrieved from